Wildlife Trafficking in Motion
Licit transportation networks can be used for illicit means, including to facilitate wildlife trafficking. A multitude of transport sectors, such as air, land, mail, and sea, are vulnerable to exploitation by wildlife traffickers. Seizures associated with these four aforementioned transport types can be further defined as:
Number of Seizures vs. Number of Country-Linked Seizures
A seizure count is the number of interdictions of wildlife or wildlife products in a given location, whereas a country-linked seizure count refers to the number of incidents of wildlife trafficking that originated, transited, or were destined for a specific country, regardless of whether or not the incident of wildlife trafficking was interdicted in that country. The county-linked seizure count of a country is therefore always equal to or greater than the seizure count of the same country.
For example, if a shipment of rhino horn originating in South Africa and destined for Vietnam is seized in transit at an airport in Turkey, Turkey would have a count of 1 for seizures and 1 for country-linked seizures; South Africa would have a count of 0 for seizures and 1 for country-linked seizures, and Vietnam would have a count of 0 for seizures and 1 for country-linked seizure.
Instances of a wildlife trafficking shipment passing through a country without being seized are considered “missed” seizure opportunities. Furthermore, in instances where a wildlife trafficking shipment is seized prior to reaching its intended destination, the destination country would be considered as having had “no opportunity” to seize the shipment. Therefore, in the prior example South Africa would be considered as having “missed” the seizure and Vietnam would be considered as having had “no opportunity” to interdict the shipment.
Transport Type and Weight
The weight of a wildlife shipment can also be a factor in determining which transport type is utilized by traffickers. For instance, large quantities of wildlife product may be more effectively conveyed in shipping containers as sea cargo, as opposed to being moved piecemeal in passenger luggage on commercial airlines. However, the larger the weight of a shipment, the more complex are the logistics and the higher the loss for trafficking networks if the shipment is seized.